MINOX Maschinenhandels GmbH
Rheintalstr. 41a
68723 Schwetzingen

A. Stephan & Söhne GmbH

Mixer Combicut TCHC 600

Combicut TCHC 600
Combicut TCHC 600

A. Stephan & Söhne GmbH

Combicut TCHC 600


Mixers for the food industry : multifunctional applicable --> for mixing, crushing, dispersing, heating or cooling.

working pressure : 3 bar
working pressure jacket :3,5 bar
max. temperature : 145 ° C
max. temperature jacket : 148 ° C
vacuum vessel : 50 mbar;

--> Mixer currently without control and without control cabinet.

Nr referencyjnyM11605
KategoriaMieszalnikis / Mixer
ProducentA. Stephan & Söhne GmbH
Materialproduktberührte Bereiche in Edelstahl / areas in contact with the product in stainless steel
Pojemnosc618 ltr
Ciezar7500 kg
Dl. x szer. x wys.5000 mm x 2400 mm x 2000 mm

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